ProjectImproving reception conditions for refugees in Brandenburg (VASiB)
01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025
The Cooperation for Refugees in Brandenburg (Kooperation für Flüchtlinge in Brandenburg, KFB) is dedicated to enhancing reception conditions for people seeking protection in Brandenburg. The goal is to foster a paradigm shift whereby displaced people can reside in private accommodation and actively engage in social life from the outset.
KommMit-PSZ (project organiser), Evangelischer Kirchenkreis Oberes Havelland, Hoffnungstaler Stiftung Lobetal, ESTAruppin, Kirchenkreis Wittstock-Ruppin, the Fachgebiet „Soziologie für die Soziale Arbeit“ of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and the Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg have come together to establish the KFB.
Project activities
Project coordination
Lisa Schmidt, Phone: 0171 1251667Project focus KommMit-PSZ
1.) Measures to improve accommodation and housing conditions for people who have experienced displacement
Support for regional initiatives (state-wide)
Two advisors from KommMit-PSZ support regional initiatives in enhancing the housing conditions for people seeking protection in Brandenburg. They plan to establish roundtable discussions and local exchange forums to gather experiences and best practices, with the goal of formulating strategies for improving accommodation. The objective is to encourage civil society participation in organising accommodation at the district level.
Luca Schubert
responsible for Potsdam, Potsdam-Mittelmark, Havelland, Oberhavel, Barnim, Prignitz, Ostprignitz-Ruppin, Uckermark, Brandenburg an der Havel)
Adviser to support regional initiatives
Phone: 0176 73227255
Joshua Spieker
responsible for Cottbus, Frankfurt (Oder), Dahme-Spreewald, Märkisch-Oderland, Teltow-Fläming, Elbe-Elster, Oder-Spree, Spree-Neiße)
Adviser to support regional initiatives
Phone: 0159 06156195
Conceptualisation and implementation of specialised housing solutions for severely mentally distressed people seeking protection
We are in the process of developing a concept for specialised housing tailored to people seeking protection who experience mental distress (assisted individual and group living), which is to be implemented in Brandenburg's cities and districts in the future. In the initial phase of concept development and implementation, displaced people facing severe mental health challenges will receive support in managing daily life through integration assistance measures (individual and family support).
Do you have any questions?
Margarete Misselwitz (Project coordination), Phone: 030 607777632.) Initial orientation and social counselling for people seeking protection
Initial orientation and social counselling
We aim to support people who have experienced displacement, persecution, and war, particularly in the structurally weak regions of Brandenburg, by offering information and counselling on initial orientation, values and social issues. Our services include providing guidance on:
Accommodation and housing,
Social and health care,
Access to language courses, educational programmes, employment opportunities, participation, and rights.
We systematically identify needs and challenges and refer those affected to appropriate specialised counselling services (Fachberatungsdienste, FBDs), migration counselling services for adult immigrants (Migrationsberatungen für erwachsene Zuwanderer, MBEs), youth migration services (Jugendmigrationsdienste, JMDs) as well as to relevant authorities and support structures.
3.) Qualification programme for social workers focusing on migrants in the health and psychosocial sectors
The KFB offers a training programme for employees of the specialised counselling services in migration social work, focusing on the identification, counselling and care of especially vulnerable people seeking protection in the psychosocial and health sectors.
Training programme
The programme, comprising approximately 14 events per year, is available in the flyer for the training series on both the KFB and KommMit-PSZ website.
Practical guidance and case coaching for specialised counselling services in migration social work (FBD)
The KFB provides support to FBD employees in identifying and counselling clients with mental impairments (case coaching). Psychological case coaching includes psychological assessment, referral to diagnostics and treatment, crisis and emergency intervention as well as hospital admissions.
Social work coaching assists in identifying social and procedural needs, social and procedural remedies, and the implementation of social and procedural goals.
Additionally, on-site/online team training is available for FBD employees as needed, covering fundamental knowledge for counselling practice.
Networking initiatives for specialised counselling services in migration social work across the state of Brandenburg
For networking and training purposes, the KFB regularly hosts general meetings for counselling service staff to discuss counselling strategies tailored to people seeking protection.
Additionally, the KFB organises working group meetings with FBD employees, facilitating in-depth, topic-specific exchanges and the development of joint concepts/models, which are subsequently communicated externally.
Do you have any questions or are interested in participating in one of the training courses, case coaching, or networking meetings?
Please contact: Margarete Misselwitz (Project Coordination), Phone: 030 60777763The project is funded by
Asyl-, Migrations- und Integrationsfonds der Europäischen Union
Diakonie Deutschland - Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung e. V
Land Brandenburg
UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe Deutschland
Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
Evangelische Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesisiche Oberlausitz
Aid five
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- Overcoming Barriers (Hürden Nehmen) - Psychosocial support for people seeking protection
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- Asylum procedure counselling in the district of Elbe-Elster
- Psychotherapeutic and psychosocial care services for traumatised people seeking protection in the state of Brandenburg
- Native-speaker psychosocial support provided by a Ukrainian psychologist aimed at preventing mental illness among refugees from Ukraine
- Individual and family support for particularly vulnerable displaced people in the state of Brandenburg
- Psychosocial services for distressed displaced children in the Ludwigsfelde and Luckenwalde transitional accommodation centres
- Psychosocial support and psychotherapeutic care for people seeking protection in the district of Teltow-Fläming
- Strengthening psychosocial health resources in Märkisch-Oderland (GKV)
- Independent asylum procedure counselling & asylum procedure counselling for LGTBIQ+ and vulnerable people seeking protection