
ProjectLegal counselling for homeless displaced people struggling with addiction at the Berlin Leopoldplatz

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024

This project provides weekly legal advice on asylum, residence and social law specifically tailored for homeless displaced people struggling with addiction at Leopoldplatz. It aims to assist those who have been homeless for an extended period and for whom contact with the relevant authorities has been interrupted, reestablishing connections with the regular system through counselling and support. The goal is to achieve a permanent reconnection, crucial for the health rehabilitation of those seeking advice. The process is conducted collaboratively with those affected, ensuring clarity and providing support throughout. 

Additionally, street social workers from the Berlin-Mitte district office will undergo training to develop a thorough understanding of the issues faced by the target group and problems concerning asylum and immigration law.


Project coordination

Hannah Bördgen, Phone: +49 178 272 885 5
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