
Our offersPsychosocial Counselling

Experiences of war, violence and displacement can lead to increased vulnerability and mental illness. Post-migratory factors in Germany may exacerbate health risks.

two people talking

Numerous challenges exist in accessing healthcare within the conventional healthcare system, including inadequate healthcare services in certain regions or a deficiency in intercultural sensitivity.

We offer psychosocial counselling for displaced adults, children and young people. Our work aims to provide comprehensive support for people who have experienced persecution, war and displacement with the goal to strengthen their mental health.

Our services include:

Supporting people
in coping with their experiences of persecution and displacement
Identifying the mental health problems of our clients
and implementing diagnostic procedures
Raising awareness of the correlation between experiences of violence
and psychological trauma
Identification of special protection needs
Assessing the care needs
of especially vulnerable people
Group programmes aimed at educating about mental health
and enhancing individual resources
Assistance and guidance in navigating the services of the conventional healthcare system
Support and counselling to cope with psychosocial stress
stemming from challenges in the family environment, housing or daily life
Stabilisation during acute crises

Our counselling sessions primarily take place on a one-to-one basis, are provided free of charge, confidential and supportive. If needed, we can arrange for language interpreters.

Our locations

Psychosocial Counselling

PrignitzOstprignitz-RuppinOberhavelUckermarkBarnimHavellandPotsdam-MittelmarkBrandenburg an der HavelPotsdamMärkisch-OderlandTeltow-FlämingDahme-SpreewaldOder-SpreeFrankfurt-OderElbe-ElsterOberspreewald-LausitzSpree-NeißeCottbus
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