
Our offersPsychotherapy

Many people applying for asylum in Germany are suffering from the consequences of displacement, war, and persecution, and are in urgent need of psychotherapeutic treatment. However, accessing such treatment is not straightforward.

two people talking

There is often a shortage of psychotherapists willing to provide therapy for people seeking protection or who can bill for such services. However, with the regulation on authorisation to treat refugees (Regelung zur Ermächtigung zur Behandlung von geflüchteten Menschen), experienced psychotherapists who otherwise do not hold a licence from the healthcare system can now provide such treatment. These therapists support us as a psychosocial centre.

Our adult, child, and adolescent therapists offer outpatient psychotherapeutic treatments for displaced people, financed by health insurance companies as part of the institute's authorisation for Brandenburg (Institutsermächtigung für Brandenburg), at the following locations.

Our locations


PrignitzOstprignitz-RuppinOberhavelUckermarkBarnimHavellandPotsdam-MittelmarkBrandenburg an der HavelPotsdamMärkisch-OderlandTeltow-FlämingDahme-SpreewaldOder-SpreeFrankfurt-OderElbe-ElsterOberspreewald-LausitzSpree-NeißeCottbus
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